LC BESPOKE - 2021 Wrap up!

LC BESPOKE - 2021 Wrap up!

Monday, 20 December 2021

Dear all, our valued hotel partners, resilient travel agents and friends in the world of luxury hospitality. As 2021 comes to an end, the LC BESPOKE team would like to sincerely thank you for your support throughout this year of snaillike recovery. The world of luxury hotels and travel has experienced such strenuous times.


For LC BESPOKE, 2021 has been rich in changes :

Indeed, 2021 has been marked by the arrival of new members in our team. We have Laura Cambiaghi as Founder and CEO, Marina de Frisching who brings her solid experience at our service from Brussels, Emilie Alleaume in charge of the Sales Coordination of LC BESPOKE and Magali Ecanvil as creator and manager of our Marketing and Communication.

In 2021, we also had the pleasure to welcome two new stunning Italian partners: Abi d'Oru Hotel & Spa, on the beautiful beach of Marinella, in Sardinia and Casali di Casole, luxury villas and finely restored farmhouses in Tuscany.

We put our hearts into making you virtually visit our partners in Italy and France via our Webinars. Many of you participated in our walks through the alleys of Crillon Le Brave and aboard the gondola at Londra Palace. We enjoyed having you join our traditional cooking class with Silvia Anichini, the exceptional General Manager of Casali di Casole, and to discover the breathtaking landscapes of the beach of Marinella in Abi d'Oru and the authentic Tuscany of Borgo Pignano.

The return of our familiarization trips also highlighted this year. We were delighted to see you again and to have you experience live, our prestigious partners. We had the pleasure and honor of escorting you to Tuscany, Provence, Saint-Tropez and Meribel.

2021 has also allowed us to meet face to face at major events. We were able to co-organize the well attended workshop dedicated to the French-speaking markets Renaissance. We were thrilled to close our year in beauty by participating in ILTM Cannes with our partners Londra Palace, Abi d’Oru et Maisons Pariente.

For all of us, actors of the tourism and luxury travel industry, this year was rich in events and challenges. We deeply hope that 2022 will allow us to meet you far more, to travel together and have you discover new gems.

While waiting for the countdown, we wish you all an excellent holiday season and we look forward to seeing you in 2022, always present, with energy and a smile, to help you, inform you and support you in your travel projects.



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